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St. Ignatius Parish is located in Portland at the corner of Powell Boulevard and SE 43rd Avenue. It is the only Jesuit parish in the state of Oregon.

Welcome from the Pastor

The Jesuits (The Society of Jesus) were founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola in 1540. His core spirituality inspires and informs all that we do here in our parish. Through our diverse ministry/service opportunities, we encourage and support people (1) to find God in all things, (2) to care for the whole person, (3) to strive for the Magis, (4) to grow in the ability to make good life-giving decisions, (5) to express their faith in their works for justice, and (6) to become more and more men and women for others.

The Eucharist, that great act of remembering and giving thanks, is celebrated here at St. Ignatius every weekend at 5:00pm on Saturdays and on Sundays at 8:00am, 10:30am, and 7:00pm. At the end of every Eucharist, we send the people forth with these words, “Go in peace to love and serve the Lord by the way you lead your life.”


Pope Francis has invited all of us to become a “listening Church.” We at St. Ignatius look forward to hearing from you, welcoming you, and together with you listening to how the Spirit is calling us to respond to the needs of God’s people in our parish, our city, our country and our world.


Welcome to St. Ignatius Parish!


Fr. San Mai, SJ
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