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Novena of Grace

The Novena of Grace is an annual celebration of Mass held daily for nine consecutive days featuring a reflection by a guest presenter, live music, and prayers of petition and thanksgiving through the intercession of St. Francis Xavier. Individual blessings are offered at the end of Mass, as well as the sacraments of reconciliation and the anointing of the sick at various points of the retreat.

Grounded in Celebration of the Eucharist

The Novena of Grace is grounded in our celebration of the Eucharist. Masses are held daily for nine consecutive days and feature a reflection by one of our guest presenters, live music, and prayers of petition and thanksgiving through the intercession of St. Francis Xavier. Though the Novena of Grace is a Catholic tradition in Jesuit communities, it is open to people of all faiths.  It affords time to reflect and to open one’s self to God’s Spirit and the healing grace that rejuvenates and transforms our lives. No sign-up is necessary: the event is free and open to all.


We will have three Jesuit priests and six lay people partnering together to address "Trust in the Slow Work of God" among us.  The weekday Masses will be at 8:00 am and be live-streamed and recorded for those unable to attend in person. 


These Novena days follow right after Ash Wednesday as we pilgrimage with Jesus in company for his unfailing love.  More information in the weeks ahead.

While the Novena of Grace is a Catholic tradition in Jesuit communities, it is open to people of all faiths.

The Novena of Grace affords time to reflect and to open one’s self to God’s Spirit and the healing grace that rejuvenates and transforms our lives. No sign up is necessary: the event is free and open to all.

contact Joseph Byrd at​


Learn more about the Novena of Grace by visiting the ministry blog.

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© St. Ignatius Catholic Church, Portland, OR

Get in touch

3400 SE 43rd Avenue

Portland, Oregon 97206


Phone: 503-777-1491

Fax: 503-777-3142




Office Hours: Mon-Thur 9:00am-3:00pm

Mass Times: Mon-Fri 8:00am, Sat 5:00pm, Sun 8:00am, 10:30am, and 7:00pm

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